
10 Simple Tricks to Skyrocket Your Website User Experience – CodeCaste

Code Caste / November 23, 2021

In today’s digital marketing era, your website is the most powerful marketing tool you have at your disposal. A website has the potential to increase your audience reach and fetch you good ROI.

With proper user experience design, you can make your touch new ATH (all-time highs) now and then.

However, fast changes in digital trends and techniques can make your business website feel outdated and running behind.

With so many competitors, it can get challenging to offer the best user experience. You may go for redesigns to fit in with the trends, but you may not have enough money and time to invest in such large projects all the time.

Hence, you may feel that things are not working out as you had planned. Let’s think of a scenario. According to Google Analytics, you notice that there is a good volume of visitors on your website.

Sounds good, right? But, there’s a catch. They are not doing what you want them to do to convert leads, or even if there are conversions, the visitors are not consistent!

Here, we will discuss some effective tips to improve your website’s user experience.

What is User Experience?

User Experience Explained

Image Source: qubstudio

Before we get into the tips, let’s learn a little about user experience. In short, it is how you can make the experience of the visitors as valuable and important as possible.

A good user experience will have a decent user interface, and it would mean that:

  • Improved conversation with visitors, that will help you turn them into customers.
  • You will get more screen time on your website if you have an attractive and user-friendly interface. The more time they spend, the chances of conversions are higher. 
  • User experience design functions flawlessly under small screens. It is important to make your website mobile-friendly in today’s time.

User Experience Design (UX design) is the process of improving user satisfaction for websites by improving usability, accessibility, and efficiency of how users interact on your website.

Ui/Ux design makes your website look easy to use and not confusing to visitors.

10 Tips To Skyrocket Your Website’s User Experience

Here are some tips that can improve your website’s user experience:

1. Who is it for?

Everything starts with research when it comes to user experience design. Whenever we start designing a product, we are eager to ask, “what exactly will the product do?” But when it comes to designing your website user experience, what matters is “Who is it for?”

Knowing your niche before coming up with a design plan for your website goes a long way.

  • What is the demography of your website?
  • What would be the point of interest of your target audience?
  • How can you give a better experience than your competitors?

2. White space is important.

You may hear clients complain about too much white space on a website and how it can be used for advertising.

Well, white space is quite important to good user experience design. Not only does it create balance, harmony and help to brand a design, it also works as a medium to lead a reader from one element to another. It is soothing to the eye and prevents the user from getting overwhelmed with so much information. 

Image Source: prototypr

White Space Explaination.

3.  Always start with your landing page.

What your visitor will see first when they come to your website is your landing page. The landing page should represent your brand and how it can be useful to your visitors.

Make sure that your landing page is free of any annoying popups, chat boxes, and auto-played elements. Provide them with tools to do whatever they want on the website by themselves; do not push to do certain actions.

4. Original content is the key.

Stay original; that’s how you stay ahead in the competition. If you offer original content to your visitors, which are relevant to them, your user experience will stay on top.

  • Do not put content that has been published on other websites.
  • Update your site with fresh content.
  • If you fall into the trap of plagiarism, say goodbye to user experience.

5. Make various elements visually distinct.

One of the most important objectives for UX designers is to have a visually distinct page layout. It is done to have a flexible user path and appealing user experience. 

In short, make it easy for your visitors to find what they are looking for on your website without any hassle.

6. Optimize page speed

Image Source: engageinteractive

Page Speed Insights Image

One of the most annoying experiences that users face is the loading time for pages. People are accessing content on their mobile phones all over the world, and the general attention span of the human mind is quite less. The ideal loading time for a website should be 2-5 seconds. Some of the best ways to improve page speed are:

  • Reduce redirects
  • Allow compression
  • Improve server response time
  • Optimize images
  • Minify CSS, Javascript and HTML.

7. Keep it simple, don’t overhype

We have often come across websites with web design that is begging for attention and leads. Do not be like them. Avoid loads of colours, animations, endless popups, and so on.

Nobody likes a poorly designed business website. When it comes to aesthetics, you need to keep it simple, creative, and to the point. Your web design should walk the talk.

8. Conversions should be straightforward.

Whether you run an eCommerce website or subscription-based cloud service, you need to ensure that your conversion processes are smooth and easy like the loading speed of your website, so it can be understood and utilized.

9. Attractive call to action

In most cases, your customers are aware of the content that is important to them.

Calls to action should be marked with an action word to make your website users easily navigate to your site and get exactly what they seek in the location they want to find it.

Image Source: uxtools

10. Mobile Friendly

In today’s time, we all have a smartphone with us and we can access anything anytime anywhere. What’s the point of a website if it is not mobile-friendly?

It is like driving a car with a bad engine that will not take you much far ahead. The website should have a simple user interface in the mobile version. Being mobile-friendly will fetch a wide range of visitors to your website.

In a Nutshell

Now that you know some of the basic tips to improve your website’s user experience, you must remember that these are only basics.

At the end of it all, the key to outstanding UX design is to cut off everything that comes between a user and the data/element they are looking for.

The goal is to offer value to your website users. Now that these tips will assist you to improve the user experience of your website, what is the design process that you plan to follow?


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